دانلود کتاب English Idioms and Expressions (Tests)

تاریخ انتشار : 29 آوریل 2017


کتاب English Idioms and Expressions (Tests)


Q1 I cannot understand why she did that, it really doesn’t add up.

(a) doesn’t calculate

(c) doesn’t make sense

(b) isn’t mathematics

(d) makes the wrong addition

Q2 All the sudents got high marks in the test but Mary stood out.

(a) got a lot of marks

(c) got very good marks

(b) got higher marks than someone

(d) got the most marks of all

Q3 He has sold his house and has no job and so now he has next to nothing.

(a) he is unemployed

(c) he has a few things

(b) he has almost no money

(d) he has nothing at all

Q4 As a newspaper reporter she always wanted to get information at first hand.

(a) quickly (b) slowly (c) easily (d) directly

Q5 I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back, we are home and dry.

(a) have not got wet

(c) have been successful

(b) have got no water

(d) have got home dry

Q6 He is the man who owns all the land and is the big fish around here.

(a) the fat man (b) the huge man (c) the important man (d) the enormous man

Q7 She never stops talking about herself and is full of herself.

(a) is very fat (b) is too fat (c) is very full (d) is very conceited

Q8 You will not slip over because the floor is as dry as a bone.

(a) completely hard (b) extremely flat (c) totally dry (d) completely cracked

Q9 He kept saying he didn’t do it but in the end he said he had done it.

(a) at the end (b) finally (c) at last (d) by the end

Q10 I know you are very sorry that you broke the pot but accidents will happen.

(a) things will take place

(c) things take place often

(b) things do occur

(d) things often go wrong


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