دانلود کتاب موفقیت: چگونه می توانیم به هدف خود برسیم؟

تاریخ انتشار : 13 دسامبر 2016

کتاب نیل مرکز رایگان کتاب موفقیت

کتاب  موفقیت: چگونه می توانیم به هدف خود برسیم؟


WHY DO WE FAIL TO REACH OUR GOALS? WHETHER IT’S WANTING TO impress our bosses, find a loving relationship, straighten out our finances, or take better care of ourselves—we all feel that there is at least one part of our lives that is in real need of improvement. (And, in reality, it’s usually more than just one part.) We want to do better, we even try to do better, but somehow we fall short or miss the mark—sometimes over and over again. So we go looking for something to blame for our failures, and most of the time we blame ourselves. We feel like we just don’t have what it takes— whatever that is—to reach our goals. And we could not be more wrong.

As a social psychologist, I’ve spent years studying achievement. I’ve carefully observed thousands of research participants pursue goals at work, in the classroom, on the playing field, and in my own laboratory. I’ve asked people to fill out weeks of daily diary reports, telling me all about the goals they pursue in their everyday lives. I’ve reviewed hundreds and hundreds of studies on goals and motivation.

And I’ve come to a few conclusions, two of which I’ll share with you now.

Most of us blame our failures on the wrong things. Even very smart, accomplished people don’t understand why they succeed or fail. Before I started studying this for a living, my intuitions about achievement were no better than anyone else’s. I thought that I was good at school and disastrous at sports because I was born that way. I wasn’t—actually, no one is simply “born that way.” I had a lot to learn.


خصوصیات این کتاب

 پایایینام کتاب:   موفقیت: چگونه می توانیم به هدف خود برسیم؟

نوع فایلنام نویسنده:  Heidi Grant Halvorson

نوع فایلموضوع کتاب: روانشناسی و موفقیت

نوع فایل نوع فایل: pdf

پایایی تعداد صفحات: ۱۷۱

منبع منبع: کتاب نیل، مرکز رایگان کتاب موفقیت

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