دانلود کتاب استالین

تاریخ انتشار : 15 فوریه 2017


کتاب استالین


It is 1878. The little Georgian town of Gori, birthplace of Joseph (losif) Dzhugashvili, slumbers against a background of distant mountains. Soso, his mother called him, Georgian fashion. Maxim Gorky, who was to be Stalin’s favorite writer, wandering around the Caucasus at the end of the nineteenth century, described Gori as follows: Gori, a town at the mouth of the river Kura, quite small, no bigger than a fair-sized village. There is a high hill in the middle of it. On the hill stands a fortress. The whole place has a picturesque wildness all its own. The sultry sky over the town, the noisy, turbulent waters of the Kura, mountains in the near distance, with their “City of Caves,” and farther away the Caucasus range, with its sprinkling of snow that never melts.  This sets the scene in which our hero’s life begins. An ominous note is introduced into this idyllic landscape by the grim ruins looking down on the town from a steep cliff—the ruins of the castle from which Georgian feudal princes once ruled that region and waged bloody war on the Georgian kings.

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