دانلود کتاب Catastrophic Disaster Planning and Response

تاریخ انتشار : 30 آگوست 2017

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دریافت کتاب رایگان Catastrophic Disaster Planning and Response


What you will find when you read this book is a practitioner’s perspective on planning and responding to catastrophes. That’s not to say that there is not a significant level of theoretical and scholarly discourse, but this is tempered by the fact that reality places real-world constraints on our ability to effectively manage in a catastrophe. Lastly, I have made every attempt to produce a book that is up-to-date, but one must realize that the field of catastrophic planning and response continues to evolve both domestically and internationally. As if this point needed to be proven, as I was putting the finishing touches on the book manuscript, the horrific Haitian earthquake struck. While I did include some preliminary information on the first month of the response, there is no doubt that significant research and investigation will be undertaken in the coming months and years that will dissect how the international community responded to this latest catastrophe.


خصوصیات این کتاب

نوع فایلعنوان کتاب: Catastrophic Disaster Planning and Response

نوع فایلنویسنده: Clifford E. Oliver, CEM, CBCP

نوع فایلموضوع کتاب: کتاب های عمومی

نوع فایل نوع فایل: pdf

پایایی تعداد صفحات: ۳۷۸

منبع منبع: کارنیل، مرکز رایگان کتاب موفقیت

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