دانلود کتاب دستور زبان انگلیسی (An Introduction to Word Grammar)

تاریخ انتشار : 8 فوریه 2017

کتاب دستور زبان انگلیسی (An Introduction to Word Grammar)


This book consists of three parts, each of which is an introduction to a separate discipline:€cognitive science, linguistics (a branch of cognitive science) and English grammar (a branch of linguistics)
Part I, called ‘How the mind works’, is a very modest alternative to Steven Pinker’s bestseller of the same name (Pinker 1998a), and is a personal selection of rather commonplace psychological ideas about concepts and mental networks and the activation that flows round them, together with a few novelties such as default inheritance and node building. These ideas are selected so as to provide a foundation for the next part. In Part II, ‘How language works’, I make a theoretical point that’s exactly the opposite of the one made famous by Pinker, following the mainstream Chomskyan tradition (Pinker 1994). Where Pinker finds a ‘language instinct’, I find ordinary cognition. Like other ‘cognitive linguists’, I believe that language is very similar to other kinds of thinking.


خصوصیات این کتاب

 نوع فایلعنوان کتاب: دستور زبان انگلیسی (An Introduction to Word Grammar)

نوع فایلنویسنده: Richard Hudson

 نوع فایلموضوع کتاب: موفقیت در زندگی فردی

نوع فایل نوع فایل: pdf

پایایی تعداد صفحات: ۳۵۲

منبع منبع: کتاب نیل، مرکز رایگان کتاب موفقیت

  دانلود مستقیم و رایگان کتاب دستور زبان انگلیسی (An Introduction to Word Grammar)
