دانلود کتاب آموزش آسان مکالمه (Speak Easy)

تاریخ انتشار : 11 فوریه 2017

کتاب آموزش آسان مکالمه (Speak Easy)



   At times it is difficult to have a good conversation;

yet, at other times, the conversation flows from one topic to another, with wit and grace and occasional emotional or intellectual depth. What makes the difference? The simple truth is that everybody talks, but few master the art of conversation. This book is an attempt to help spread the good word. My simple claim is this: If you practice the method of this book, you will become a better conversationalist. Whether you are already a sparkling asset to every party or painfully shy, observing the “rules” I have discovered for good conversation will improve your skills. If you then go on to join or form a conversational group r “colloquy,” as I recommend, you will find a new and enduring source of joy in life, something you can use in all walks, and friends with whom you can talk of matters high, low, and in between


خصوصیات این کتاب

 نوع فایلعنوان کتاب:  آموزش آسان مکالمه (Speak Easy)

نوع فایلنویسنده: Matthew Calkins

 نوع فایلموضوع کتاب: موفقیت در زندگی فردی

نوع فایل نوع فایل: pdf

پایایی تعداد صفحات: ۱۱۸

منبع منبع: کتاب نیل، مرکز رایگان کتاب موفقیت

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