دانلود کتاب انگلیسی در کنترل (English in Control)

تاریخ انتشار : 10 فوریه 2017

کتاب انگلیسی در کنترل (English in Control)



It is glad that I have a new chance to offer you my services. Since a long time ago, the idea of authoring a course book that could cover and present English skills has been walking through my mind. Now it has turned true This book is of a different perspective. Easiness, novelty, cross-culture, and briefness have characterized the book. The book is easy since the language is used in it is understandable and not tough; It is novel, for the reading passages have all written in the current year by the same author for the sake of his readers. The reading passages are actually newspaper opinion articles against dictatorship and oppression all published in newspapers

خصوصیات این کتاب

 نوع فایلعنوان کتاب: انگلیسی در کنترل (English in Control)

نوع فایلنویسنده: حسن فرطوسی

 نوع فایلموضوع کتاب: موفقیت در زندگی فردی

نوع فایل نوع فایل: pdf

پایایی تعداد صفحات: ۱۲۹

منبع منبع: کتاب نیل، مرکز رایگان کتاب موفقیت

  دانلود مستقیم و رایگان کتاب انگلیسی در کنترل (English in Control)
